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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Student Conned into Becoming Sex Slave  

The student showing the 'bad lines' on her palm
The student showing the 'bad lines' on her palm
A 21-year-old diabetic student who wanted to end her streak of bad luck, consulted a palmist but things only got worse with her becoming his sex slave.

She approached the palmist, identified only as Master Choy, who also claimed to be a feng shui master, in April on the recommendation of her friends.

The 50-year-old palmist told her that the unusually straight lines on her palms were bad and added that at best ,she could only hope to be soneone's mistress.

He also claimed that women with such lines on palms can cause their husbands to die, bring bad luck to the families and have to endure a lot of suffering.

The woman, from Pahang, who had always believed that her diabetes was caused by the "bad lines" on her palms, swallowed Choy’s reading of her fortune.

The same night, he brought her to a hotel room to purportedly perform a cleansing ritual on her. Instead, he molested the student but she did not realise that she was being taken advantage of at that time.

A week later, he told her that she had to sleep with a married man to get rid of all the bad luck.

"Choy, who is married, then offered himself as the 'antidote' for my misfortune," she told a press conference at the MCA Public Services and Complaints Department on Tuesday.

She said after some persuasion, she agreed to have sex with him.

Before having sex, Choy told the student, who is pursuing a degree in nutrition at a college, to give him naked photographs of her, saying that they would to be used in ritual ceremonies to improve her luck.

The woman said she only realised that she had been cheated a few months later when her luck did not change and worse still, she had contracted a sexually transmitted disease from the conman.
The student relating her ordeal at the hands of the palmist
The student relating her ordeal at the hands of the palmist

She went back to the palmist and threatened to expose him but he slapped her and warned that he would post her nude photographs on the Internet.

The woman said the palmist, who claimed to have secret society links, and his wife threatened to kill her if she lodged a police report.

She was too scared to go against his will and continued to be his sex slave.

The woman claimed that she was also abused and beaten by Choy.

"He wanted me to be there whenever he felt like having sex with me. He would ask me to go the hotel room and would chase me out immediately after sex.

"He only let me go after I contracted the disease. I was scared and worried. I did not know what to do and told my parents,’" she said.

The woman said she would get a lawyer to file a case against Choy.

Department head Datuk Michael Chong advised the people, especially yong women to be wary of bogus mediums, palmists and feng shui masters.

He added that he had received seven of such cases this year, so far.

Published Dec 1, 2009
The Daily Chilli

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

An Hour of Pleasure
The Dean of Women at an exclusive girls' school was lecturing her students on sexual morality.

"We live today in very difficult times for young people. In moments of temptation," she said, "ask yourself just one question: Is an hour of pleasure worth a lifetime of shame?"

A young woman rose in the back of the room and said, "Excuse me, but how do you make it last an hour?"